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Physical Education Workshop promotes interest in professional advancement for Physical Educators at the Elementary and Secondary levels. Through a comprehensive curriculum, the workshop provides opportunities for professional development in the areas of Physical Education, Health, Recreation and Dance.

Cal Poly

Cal Poly is a nationally ranked, four-year, comprehensive public university located in San Luis Obispo, halfway between San Francisco and Los Angeles on California’s Central Coast. It is a distinctive learning community offering academically focused students a hands-on educational experience that prepares them for today’s scientific and technical world.

Tracie Arlington is the owner and lead instructor of Play It Safe Defense. She is a black belt and nationally certified self-defense instructor with the Women’s Self-Defense Institute. Her program has been taught to over 50,000 children and teens since 2003. Tracie has been on the Dr. Phil Show and The Doctors TV as a children’s self-defense expert. Currently she has been certifying middle and high school physical education teachers in San Diego County so they can teach self-defense to their students. Tracie’s two major goals are; to have self-defense taught in physical education classes nationally and to help school’s get the funding for the training. She has her B.A. Degree in Communications with an emphasis in training and public speaking.

Jacque Bowman has taught and coached high school and middle school in San Ramon Unified School District for 28 years. She started the women’s golf programs at both San Ramon Valley High School and Dougherty Valley High. She is currently coaching at California High School and Pine Valley Middle Schools. Jacque is an avid golfer and will be playing in the NCGA Women’s Senior Championship this summer. She is a three time “Champion of Club Champions” in the Pacific Women’s Golf Association Bay Area region. One of her favorite things is playing golf with her 85 year old dad, Bob. That’s why she believes golf is the greatest game; golf is a lifelong sporting activity.

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